Confrontation and Meeting the Gang

Olivia's POV*

I take a step towards my desk, and Nichole just sits there staring into my soul like a scientist looks at an anomaly; with pure interest. "Hey there bud, how was class," I ask, hoping to delay the inevitable just a teensy bit more...

"It was fine, Mr. P. is a wonderful teacher as usual. Very eccentric," she says with a look of fascination covering her face. Mr. P., or otherwise known as Mr. Pero, is the ELA teacher for sophmores. He always has some creepy but oddly amusing facts to share, like, did you know, the the song "Do You See What I See" is actually a reference to nuclear fallout? Yeah, pretty odd, but interesting. Anyways, she doesn't seem to care about what happened earlier... Maybe I overreacted? She never was one to hold grudges...

"Aw, yeah, he's hands down the best teacher's this year! That or Coach O..," Coach O. is one of the Science teachers, always has a funny story to tell. Like this one time...


... and interrupted by the bell. (A/N: Don't worry, you'll hear it another time (=) I look towards the front of the class as Nichole brings out a notebook to take notes... I still don't quite understand why she still takes those, we all know she doesn't need them. Anyways, the teacher starts the lecture about the human body and how red blood cells work blah blah blah, we've been over this before. I turn to Nichole, "What does a skeleton tiles his roof with," I ask, she looks at me with a small sparkle in her eyes.

"Shin-gles," and I swear I heard her giggle. It was quiet, but it's one of those sounds you just never want to, and I can't help but look at the exit of that beauty sound... her lips... and I can't help but wonder how they would feel.. so soft looking...


I break out of my trance as Nichole gains my attention, and points to the teacher, and I can't help but notice everyone's eyes on me. "So, Ms. Hillsman, would you like to answer the question now," the teacher asks, and my face flushes red.

"Ah um, co-could you repeat that please, Ms. Wright," I ask a bit shakily. I can't help it, she looks so... so... intimidating with that strange glint in her eye!

"What is the purpose of plasma in the blood," she asks as if it's such a simple question, almost mockingly. Are teachers even allowed to use that tone of voice? Whatever happened to professionalism?

I forget to answer the question as I rant in my mind, and Nichole answers for me, "Plasma is used to distribute hormones, nutrients, water, proteins among other things around the body whilst removing the waste from cells for cleaning." God, her and her perfect memory. I look to the teacher and point a thumb at Nichole.


"I was asking Ms. Hillsman, not you Ms. Pavlicek, but thank you for the answer anyways. Back to the lesson, what is a..." I naturally tune out the lesson, a skill I've learned over the years.

"Thanks for saving my hind, Nikky," and I give her the biggest smile I can muster. She looks at me, and gives me her version of a smile, seemingly not noticing the use of her nickname.

"You're welcome," and she goes back to her notes... I wonder if she'll let me borrow them after class? I'll have to ask. I tune back into the lesson, only to get bored and start drawing. It's a passion of mine that I picked up around the time I met Nichole, and she's been my judge since. Let me just say, she's brutally honest... not that I mind!


The lunch bell rings, signifying the end of class, and the start of our lunch. Nichole is up and out the door before I can even get my bag off the ground. She must be hungry. I think. I walk towards the cafeteria, waving at Alex, one of mine and Nichole's best friends, and I see her walking with John, one of the newer members in our group.

"Hey there cutie! How have your classes been?" Alex asks, as bright and cheery as ever. I give her a small smile.

"I'd say good, got called out in last class though. Apparently it's a bad thing to talk whilst someone's giving a lesson. Who would've known." That earns me a small laugh from the two. I look over to a homecoming poster amd flinch a little, before grabbing my lunch and returning to our usual table in the back of the room. The whole group is her today!

Alex, the girl from earlier, sits beside John. She's a bit on the short side, even shorter than me, and has even shorter brown hair. She loves that tomboy look and usually wears slightly baggy clothing, as she is now.

John is our newest member, having joined just earlier this quarter, and is fitting in quite well. He's a little taller than Alex, and a bit on the weaker side. I swear, a  fly could probably kill the kid. He needs some muscle. He has black hair that's a bit in the long side for a boy, but he wears it nicely.

The next person in our group is Allissa, she's a little taller than me, but shorter than Nichole, as is everyone in the group. Like me, she has long blonde hair, and, unlike me, is really athletic, but I don't lose out on figure to her. She once tried to race Nichole, as Nichole is the only other one who works out besides Danny, and got absolutely smoked. I never knew a human could move so fast! It was like the recreation of Usain Bolt but female. She's bisexual, like everyone else in our group besides Danny.

The final person in our little group is Daniel and is only a couple inches shorter than Nichole. He, like Lissa, works out, and, just like Lissa, challenged Nichole to some sort of physical test. They arm wrestled and, obviously, Nichole won. She's rather strong, I mean, she once picked up one of the biggest girls in school because they sprained their ankle during PE and PRINCESS CARRIED the girl to the benches. Who does that?! I could maybe understand the coach, but some school girl lifting what could be well over 300 Ibs like it's nothing is not normal. Then again, Nichole isn't exactly normal.

Tuning the conversation back in, I heard something I kind of wish Nichole wasn't here to hear. "... homecoming, did Nichole ever go?"