An Above Average Lunch and a Rising Question

[A/N: I'm thinking of adding the final few pieces of the conversation from the previous chapter onto the new chapter to help recap a little, let me know what you think!]

Previously on Confused: Nichole....

"Now that that story is finished, and your curiosity is sated, let's move back to a less depressing topic, please."


3rd Person POV

"Okay then," Liv starts, "are we going to talk about that hickey now, Danny?" Danny's face flushes red at the comment, whilst John just gains a smug smirk.

"Ooh, yeah, do tell, I want all the juicy details," Alex knudges John, ever eager for some erotica, much to the displeasure of a certain mother.

"Did you know ho-mmphh," John is cut off as Danny holds his hand over his darlings mouth, when suddenly Danny's hand flies off and he starts wiping his hand on John's pants. John is sitting there laughing at the display, seemingly not caring about the slobber on his jeans. Mhmm-mhm. John licks his lips, "as I was saying, how loud Danny-boy here can get?" Danny seems to have given up, not wanting to find slobber on his hand again, and goes off to put on his seat, whilst most of everyone snickers, with the obvious exception of Nichole, who hands Danny a wipe from her bag.

"Fufu, did you go all the way, or what," Alex continues to encourage John. John blushed at this, and that's when the group stopped eating and stared. "Wait? You actually did it?! Who's the top, who's bottom?! Give me the details," Alex starts shaking John, and him being the weak man he is, can't stop it. Danny actually had to hold back the girl so his boyfriend could speak, not wanting to be the one to speak.

After a few moments of John recovering while Nichole soothingly rubs his back, John speaks. "Okay, so last night Danny came over and while we were doing homework, after we finished, one thing led to another, and the next thing we know we're doing the deed. And I'm the top, much to my surprise." Danny seems to hide in the embrace of Nichole, Liv is just standing there taking it all in, Lissa doesn't seem to care to much, but sends John a thumbs up, and Alex is patting John on the back like a proud father.

"Well, I'm glad to know you both are happy with each other, and I hope you two continue to make each other happy or we're going to have a talk," everyone shivers at the last part, but smile and nod nonetheless, knowing Nichole is just overprotective.

"I would gladly join in on that talk, especially for the heartbreaker," Lissa adds, knowing she'd have to hold Nichole back in a worst case scenario, before placing her plate in the middle of the table having finished her meal.

The rest of the gang continue to eat and talk about their days, teasing John and Danny any chance they get,mostly Danny, before Nichole tells them that it's enough, effectively stopping the teasing. For today. After everyone's plate is in the middle, Nichole grabs them and take them to the trash.

"So, Liv, do you plan on asking Nichole to homecoming," Lissa drops the bombshell, leaving everyone silently watching the girl in question, as she coughs at the sudden question. The group can clearly see that Liv is infatuated with the girl, especially with how she went off on her childhood friend last year.

Liv regains her composure, seeing that Nichole just arrived at the trash can, gives a reply, "I'm thinking about it, but I don't think know. Do you think it's too early, or should I invite her as a friend?" Liv asks, knowing that it may be too soon for the girl.

Alex gains a serious face, uncommon for her personality, before saying "I'd say you invite her as a friend, show her a good time there, take her home and give her a peck on the lips, if she responds kindly, take it a step further, if she doesn't, you can talk it out. You know how she is, always willing to listen." The group nods at the sound advice, while Liv sits in silence, going over the information.

"Is everything alright," Nichole asks, concern laced in her voice as she sees the serious mood of the group. Liv is broken out of her state, while Lissa responds for her.

"Just giving some love advice to our dear Liv here, she wants to ask someone to the dance but doesn't feel as though she should."

Nichole freezes for a second, but it goes unnoticed by the group, before she speaks, "Mhmm, I'd say go for it Liv, knowing you, this person should be rather lucky for you to take interest in them. You'll have to introduce them to me so I can assess them." Nichole gives that small smile of hers, trying to reassure the girl.

"Uh, yeah, I'll do that. I'm sure you'll love them," Liv gives her the best smile she could, although Nichole notices it doesn't quite reach her eyes as it should.

Nichole puts her hand on the girls shoulder, giving a reassuring squeeze, "I'm sure they'll say yes, no need to be nervous. If they decline, I'll make sure they understand just how good of a deal they missed." The look in Nichole's eyes sends shivers down the groups spine, but they know she means good for them.

Liv seems to brighten up a little bit, and gives a real smile, before the group returns to idle conversation.


The bell rings, signaling the end of lunch, and the group gives their good byes, John and Danny's being a kiss, before going their separate ways, although Nichole and Alissa share classes for this hour.


[A/N: Hello everybody, hope you enjoyed this and I'm sorry for it being short, currently moving so not much time to write. Anyways, I wish y'all a good day and I'll see you next week!]