Caizhi's Decision

Knock! Knock! Knock! 

Meiyi heard someone knocking at her front door. She immediately rushed to the door, hoping it would be a certain person. 

After undoing the formation and opening the door, her excitement died away. 

"Hello, are you perhaps Chun Meiyi?" 

It was a woman that knocked on her door. She was a very normal woman, a simple inner-court disciple on the Blazing Phoenix Sect. 

"Yest, I am." 

"Oh my god, I finally found you." 

Meiyi looked strangely at the woman. 'What does she want me for?' 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. Here, this is for you." The woman noticed she was being super weird and went directly to the point. 

She took a red token out of her purse and handle it to Meiyi. 

"What is this?" Meiyi took the token and didn't even know what it was. 

 The woman looked at her with a look one would give a country bumpkin.