Revealing The Truth

"Interesting." Velgor had never thought Seth would ask him something like that. He was inwardly curious if Seth was telling him the truth or not, but he decided to believe it for now. 

"I will tell you when the time comes, however, I will send one of the Twelve Shadows to lead the operation." 

Seth narrowed his eyes but didn't say anything. 

"Is there a problem with that?" Velgor asked while observing Seth's reactions. 

"No problem." 

"Good. Since I do not know when the entire operation will begin, you are free to do anything for the next four months. After that, I want you to come back, since you're going to participate on it." 

"Alright. I'm leaving then." Seth disappeared from the throne hall after saying those words. He would rather not stay there any longer. 

After some seconds that Seth left, Velgor seemed to say some word for the empty air.