Soul Cultivation

"We can't let our guards down? Why are you saying something like that?" Thellor asked his daughter. 

"Father, you know that I am part of the Secret Security Unity, that is under Commander Chief Allannia's command. We are the last line of support to the Elf Queen and are rarely deployed for any battle. However, recently, Commander Chief Allannia, issued an order of alert for our unity." 

"Alert? Is there anything dangerous happening?" 

"Sigh... I cannot disclose too much information, since it is a secret and it is not yet confirmed, but... There seems to be many humans infiltrating inside the Ereinrith city these days and we did not discover their identity yet. We were able to find some traces left behind by them, but none of those traces were enough for us to discover their location. It is needless to say, that the motive behind their infiltration is unknown too."