Meeting His Group Members

Elyon looked around the stadium but didn't see the other four humans that were still missing. He turned towards Allannia and asked: "Then, where are the other humans?" 

Allannia was in charge of everything regarding this event and she knew who was about to come, but even for her, it was hard to predict when those humans would arrive. 

"They must be almost arriving, since the invites were sent a long time ago, however, the place they are coming from is very far from here." 

"Hm? Who are they really?" 

At this moment they heard a female voice that was full of excitement. 

"Oh?! We're finally here! What do you think of this place Senior Sister Ruolan?" 

"This place is really interesting, but I still think you are way too much excited Junior Sister Jiayi." The woman called Ruolan had a graceful voice that made the male elves look at her direction without even realizing.