
Her face was flawless and paler than a white jade, giving more contrast to her vibrant green eyes. Just like her mother, her hair was golden and glittered with her every move. 

Near her golden hair, Elydir Luberus' blond-like hair would be considered dim and opaque, leaving him in shame. 

Seth felt that she was the most perfect delicate fairy that existed. Her face shocked him to the core and he forgot to reprimand her for deceiving him about her real identity. 

He kept looking at her and she did the same, however, the Elf Princess was feeling guilty after recalling that she deceived the man that just arrived before her. He came out of nowhere, but saved her from a bad elf that wanted to do bad things. 

The entire situation left them both speechless, since they didn't know how to react properly to one another and the silence remained for some minutes.