
The Elf Queen ignored whatever Allannia was trying to do and started to rapidly fly back to the Secret Garden area. 

"Trying to escape from me now? Why are you always running away?" 

The deformed arms of that strange creature that Allannia was becoming, were already full of crimson energy. She watched as the Elf Queen descended towards the ground with a sinister smile. Suddenly, her body accelerated, chasing after her prey, ready to strike once more. Her speed was at least two times than the speed she was able to display before, creating a red line that marked the sky where she had passed. 

Arwen was in a very bad condition right now and was not able to increase her speed any further. However, she kept looking straight down below, not letting her eyes get away from her objective. Even if she died, she would at least destroy the Corrupted World Tree Replica and spoil Allannia's plans.