
Rina and Seth entered the Evergreen Tavern, and they sat on one of the tables that were in the first floor. 

"Then... From where do I begin?" 

"Tell me about your meeting with mom." 

"Hm? My first meeting with Arwen? Very well." Seth made a motion with his hand and a bottle of wine flew towards him. He poured a cup for himself and after that, he put a cup for Rina. 

This was exactly what he had done when he first met Arwen. 

"Here, let's drink a bit." 

"Hm... I've never had a drink before." 

"Really? You should try drinking a bit. I bet you will like it." 

Rina trusted Seth and started to take small sips of the wine inside her cup. She suddenly felt a sweet but bitter taste in her mouth, however, the temperature of her body started to raise after it reached her throat and entered her stomach. 

"This is different, I've never had anything like this before."