The Fire Extiguishes

Huo Shihong released all the Mana he had, creating a very bright and strong blast around himself. However, that was just the beginning. 

As a bright explosion was occurring in front of them, Third Shadow and Fifth Shadow didn't try to stop at all, they kept charging forward while using their Mana to protect themselves. 

But suddenly, they felt there was something off with those flames. They were brighter than normal. 


The darkness energy they were using as protection, started to dissolve after entering in contact with Huo Shihong Purifying Flames. It was an effect caused by a higher plane of Phoenix Flames. It would start to take one of the main effects that Ancient Beast was proud of. The purification effect. 

After deciding to spend everything, till the very last drop of energy on that attack, Huo Shihong was able to step on that level on his Phoenix Flames.