Harbinger Of Doom

The corruption started to spread towards everything that was in front of Seth's body. The unholy red lines of matter, invaded the Fire Walls that belonged to the dungeon, taking control over it and changing its nature to corruption. 


They exploded with Crismon Corrupted Flames, instantly making the whole sky turn blood colored. The whole soil was being covered by that energy as well, changing to a sea of crimson corruption. 

Fifth Shadow saw that red energy coming towards him and tried to retreat as fast as he could, using his enhanced Shadow Walk to increase his speed, but the millions of filaments of crimson corruption spreading through the ground were way faster than him, reaching his body in just a few seconds. 

They reached him, some ignoring his body and going towards the front, while other crimson filaments started climbing on his feet, invading and corrupting the structure of his skin cells.