Fallen Deity

"I do not have anything that can help her, but I may have a piece of information that could help you." 

Seth got interested and his eyes lit up. Anything that could improve Meiyi's situation was welcomed even if it was more information. 

"Please tell me." 

"The thing that is going to make her bloodline thoroughly awaken and complete the process, is something way more complicated than you think. Maybe you think you'll be able to find it inside the Illusive Ethereal Sanctuary, and that is indeed possible. But you'll never be able to get it with your current cultivation." Darya said, shocking Seth. 

"You... How did you know about it?" 

"I've known it since you entered the sect." Darya was lying, but Seth had no way to know about it. 

She was the Glazed Lake Sect Protector and probably had means to identify who entered and who left. But the information about Meiyi having that bloodline, was told her just a few moments ago.