Wu Martial Kingdom Problems

Things at the bamboo house happened so quickly, that when Seth returned to the Eleventh Palace, only an hour later after the meeting had finished. Palace Master Yushui's first response after noticing Seth had returned, was to abruptly appear in front of him, with a face full of worry. 

She was only able to think the worst might have happened. 

"What happened? How was it?" 

Seth didn't intend to keep her in the dark, so he told her the outcome. 

"It's done. She is healed." 

"What?! But it has only been an hour... How can she possibly be healed already? That poison was something so strong, that none of us could help her containing it. It was a poison from a Mana Sovereign Cultivator... How is it possible for her to be healed in a single hour?" 

Palace Master Yushui couldn't bring herself to believe his words. 

"Palace Master Yushui, please go there and look with your own eyes. My words won't be enough to convince you."