Road Troubles

Theodor entered another carriage he had prepared exclusively for himself. He was going to be the representative from the Scorching Trade Group, accompanying and overseeing the whole operation. 

Because of some safety measures, no more than three of the mercenary and hunters he had hired, were from the same group. Other than that, there was a thorough background check to reduce even more the possibility they would rob him on the way. 

His individual strength was not the highest among them all, but he was a solid Qi user as well. And the last measure to avoid being robbed, was that his spatial ring was protected by a very powerful formation and only those at the Mana Perception Realm or stronger, would be able to undo that protective formation. But he didn't hire Mana users to battle for him; only that servant and the young Lady he was accompanying had the chance of being Mana Realm cultivators.