Crushing One Of The Three Heads

Inside a hidden cave at the deepest parts of the Desolate Scorching Wastelands, there was a demon that looked practically like a normal human, apart from his aggressive dog-like ears and his slightly sharper canines. 

He was currently writing some observations on the documents that contained the whole record of his research and the results of all the samples he had collected.

This demon was called Zertis and he was one of the most important figures inside the Cerberus Clan. This demonic clan had the "Three Heads" or three leader-like figures. Barghest was the main head and also the Clan Head, the one that was above all others inside their ranks. Zertis was his right head, the one that took care of everything regarding to plans and logistics, while the left head was called Grigor, the one titled as Hellhound.