Seth and Barghest

As the fire extinguished, Lan Xue returned back inside the room. She was able to witness the hundreds of cruel experiments that were previously caged in this underground cave and was able to feel a little bit of the terror those people that were captured must have felt. 

She now understood why Seth hated that Clan of demons so much. They treated people's lives like it were their things, doing whatever atrocity they wanted to do with them. 

However, this was not the first nor this would be the last time, cruel things like this happened in the cultivation world. 

Seth was standing still inside the room, contemplating over the things he had seen on Grigor's memories. 

"What now?" Lan Xue asked. 

"I've discovered their next hideout location. Let's go, we can still get them unprepared if we depart now." 

Lan Xue nodded and both of them left from the hidden cave.