State Of Things

Time flew by. Without Seth and Lan Xue knowing, four more months passed since the first time they started to fight against that horde of beasts inside the abyss. 

On the surface, the Illusive Ethereal Sanctuary and the Glazed Lake were gathered in a meeting with the people from the Lion's Pride Golden Palace. After they received the message Velgor had ordered Fourth Shadow to anonymously send them, many things and many episodes had already happened between those sects. 

A huge purple Skystone mine, was not something that any of them could let go of so easily and the Illusive Ethereal Sanctuary and the Glazed Lake had to take part on this, else they would be losing a golden opportunity. 

At the time they received the information, they sent their representatives to verify the area where that mine existed and were able to certify that it really existed, since there was still the energy signature from those purple Skystones around there.