End Of A Renowned Group

When Seth finally decided to move, his body abruptly appeared right before Twelfth Shadow, the weakest link of that group of practitioners. Seth's movements were so unpredictable for them, that he was practically a living ghost, scaring the shit out of them all. 

When he appeared before Twelfth Shadow, the man despaired and released his whole cultivation base, trying to quickly defend against anything that could have been directed at him; however, not even if he were ten times stronger, he would've been able to leave out of that situation alive. 

Moving like a specter, Seth struck Twelfth Shadow with a kick, putting his entire physical strength behind that attack. 

Twelfth Shadow was sent flying through the terrain, rolling and destroying every single thing on the way that his body was sent to. That scene seemed more like Seth was kicking a ragdoll and not a demonic cultivator.