
In reality, Seth visit on Elyra's bedroom was kind of a try, if they were to hit it up right there, he would certainly stay and enjoy the night by her side. But after talking with her for a few minutes, he noticed that she wasn't ready yet. Elyra was a very reserved person and she would require time, till she could familiarize with Seth enough, to completely trust him with her life and body. 

But as for Seth, if there was someone that he could trust his life and body, expecting to receive the same, it was Arwen. Surely, the beginning of their relationship was strange and based a lot on their most primitive instincts, but after being linked in soul, Seth already loved her and he knew she loved him as well. But luckily, when they were close to each other, their desires would always guide them. And after a still-not-enough fun time with Serene, his desires were still screaming for him that more was required.