
After having that brief exchange and releasing their auras, Lan Xue realized that the person standing right in front of her, was most likely to be the person she was looking for. 

However, the situation might not be what she thinks it is and that's why she decided on asking the first question. 

"Are you the Elf Queen?" 

Arwen looked at that stranger, furrowed her eyebrows and said: "Who are you? Why are you trespassing and invading my property?" 

"... Are you the Elf Queen or not?" Lan Xue didn't reply to those questions, she just repeated her earlier phrase, with her normal cold attitude. 

Arwen was not enjoying the way that loli was acting and taking with her, but she decided to at least say who she really was. 

"I'm the Elf Queen and you're inside my territory. If you don't give me a good explanation, then, you won't..." 

"Where is Seth?"