
When Lan Xue saw that sorry figure approaching, donned in ragged purple robes that were designed just for the most important elders of the Illusive Ethereal Sanctuary, she immediately entered in an attack mode. And when she recognized who that person was, she almost instantly attacked him. If not for his words, that sounded really strange for her, he would be dead already. 

"You're the Grand Elder Chuanli! Why would I help you, when you were part of the squad that attacked my Glazed Lake Sect a few weeks ago?" 

Chuanli raised his head and looked at the woman with his muddy eyes, before replying: "Fairy Lan Xue, please, have mercy!" 

He didn't try to deny or explain the fact he had attacked her sect, but directly asked for mercy instead. While doing so, he knelt down and safely placed his relatives on the ground, but instead of standing up after that, he kept his head down, maintaining an apologetic stance.