

Suddenly, the dark spikes that constituted the cage of darkness Seth had created, started cracking and from the inside of that area, a purple bright light was set free. 

Naturally, that light was followed by a burst of Mana that completely shattered Seth's ability from the inside out; however, when a figure stepped out of that area, Seth couldn't help but get alarmed and confused. 

In front of his eyes, there were now two different silhouettes of the same entity. They were identical to one another and apart from a small detail, the Ethereal Orb that was sitting on top of one of the figure's hands, there were no other differences. 

Seth swiftly scanned them with his Soul Sense, but the only conclusion he could get out of it, was they were both real and the same. Not only were their appearances identical, they also had the same aura and the same mannerism. However, he couldn't help but think that the one holding the orb, was the main body.