Divine Omen


Seth observed as the flow of Mana around the area where the Illusive Ethereal Goddess had run to, increased. It revolved around her body, trying to contain the flames threatening to turn her into a crisp, but only after a huge quantity of energy accumulated, she was able to extinguish them. 

However, at that time, almost the entirety of her skin, was already gone. But since she was made of ethereal particles, instead of a charcoal, her figure resembled a distorted scary purple ghost. 

Getting rid of those crimson flames, was not enough though. Suddenly, the goddess felt that from inside her energy veins, an invading power started to take over, spreading like a poison. 

That power was the Essence of Corruption that fueled Seth's flames and also, the power the Illusive Ethereal Goddess mistook for being "Chaos". It acted like a curse, gnawing on her cells, feeding on her ethereal energy and using it as power.