WebNovelMy Girl!14.29%

Chapter 1

--- Spring, 20XX ---

On my junior high graduation day, I decided to confess my feelings to the person i liked.

"Dinda, I like you! Please be my girlfriend!" I said.

The atmosphere around us suddenly fell silent. I'm waiting for a response from her. Dinda, my childhood friend who I liked since we were in elementary school.

"Eh? ... Um ...."


"So what's your answer?" I asked.

"Um ... OF COURSE NOT, YOU FAT PIG!" she said aloud.

"Eh? What?"

"I said no. You're already ugly, deaf too ?!" she shouted.

"B-but, I thought we were close?" I said with goosebumps.

"HA ?! You think i want to be closer with a pig like you? NOT A CHANCE! If it weren't for your money, I wouldn't want to approach you at all, you know? !! To the extent that you're this brave, I'm fed up with you! Get out of my sight, USELESS FAT PIG !! " she said loudly.

After that I was shocked and speechless. Dinda left me without hesitation. It started to rain too. I started crying. Not because of what she said, but because I was stupid enough to trust other people.

Starting from that day, I haven't come out of my room for days. My mother doesn't worry about me because she knows that this is the point where I have to change myself. She always brought me food, towels and so on.

Three months later ...

After staying in the room for a long time. I decided to leave.

When i came out, i saw my mother standing in front of me with a proud face crying. I immediately hugged her.

"I'm sorry, Mothera. Sorry to be troublesome because of my selfishness," I said, crying.

"It's okay, you've been struggling very hard. Wow, you look so much like your father. Are you getting taller? You're so handsome. Oh yeah, about Dinda, I knew from the start that she would be like this" she said.

I let go of my hug.

"Really? How did you know?" I asked.

"You know, everyone's eyes reflect what they will become in the future. When I saw her eyes, I had guessed that something like this would happen," she said.

"Wow, you could do that? Great. Did you do that to Father too?" I asked again.

"Well, I was surprised when I saw your father's eyes for the first time. Because back in high school, your father was the strongest delinquent in the city of Zekta"

"What? Father? I didn't expect it"

You see, even though Father looks like a delinquent, he is a very nice person and the neighbors around him are good friends with him.

"One time, me and your father, accidentally bumped to each other, and your dad fell on top of me. I was very scared at that time, because what you ran into was the person you wanted to avoid. But, when our eyes met, I immediately knew that your father was someone who so good that it wouldn't even hurt an ant to bother it, " she explained.

"Is that how kind Father is? Cool" I said.

"Well, after that we met often and got closer to each other until we were dating. And now, we are married and have a great child like you," she said, stroking my head.

"Hehe, thank you, Mother" I said.

After that, we went to the dining room to have breakfast together.

"Will you really left your belongings? Nothing you want to bring?" my mother asked.

In order for me to be independent, my father bought me a house, along with other necessities, near the city of Nalech. So while I was in the room, my father had prepared everything for me. I'm really proud of him.

"Nothing, Mom. Besides, Father have fulfilled everything I need, right? So I will let my things here become memories so that you won't be lonely," I said.

"Haha, it doesn't match your appearance, you know" said my mother.

"Come on, cut it out, Mother" I said.

"But, are you sure you want to enter Indragiri High School? There's an entrance exam too, and it's quite a distance from here, you know. Are you sure you can take the exam easily?" my mother asked.

"Yes, I'm sure. While in the room, I've studied all the lessons there. I even studied the material that should be in the final class. So, I think I can do it. When it comes to transportation, I can take the bus from the bus stop near the house that Dad bought for fifteen minutes " I said.

After finishing breakfast, I went to school.

"Then, I'll be going first!" I said while leaving the house.

"All right. Take care, Ryan!" said my mother.

I went from home to Indragiri High School. Oh yes, my name is Destryan Putra Anggara. The only son of the Anggara Family. My father was a businessman as well as a teacher of traditional martial arts, namely Pencak Silat. Even though I was taught for a short time, I had absolutely no interest in martial arts.

I finally arrived at the bus stop. From my new house, I had to take a bus to get to Indragiri High School. I have to get used to it because I will use this transportation a lot when I move.





Arriving at my destination bus stop, I got off in front of Indragiri High School. Next to me was a very beautiful gal who got off the bus before my bus.

"Beautiful ..." I muttered.

*(turn around)

"Hm? Ah! Please forget what I said earlier!" I said apologetically.

I never thought I said it too loud.

"Ryan? Is that you?" she said.

The girl called my name. I think she knows me.

"Um ... yes?"

"You're Ryan ?! You were so different when you were in elementary school! You are getting taller too!" she said, stroking my hair.

"Um .. sorry, do I know you?" I asked.

I'm still confused by this situation.

"What do you mean? It's me! Aniendya Juliani Suratman! Your best friend in elementary school!" she said.




"Eh!?! ??! Niendya ?! It really is you ?! You are so different!" I said in surprise.

I really didn't think that this beautiful gal in front of me was my bes friend when I was in elementary school, Niendya. She told me she was moving to the suburb because of her father's job. Who would have thought that the city she meant was the city of Nalech.

"So, what about Dinda? You always tell me how much you liked her when we were little. Any developments?" she asked.

The first time I came out to change and I've been asked about things that are not very wearing.

"Ah, about that ...."

"Hm? What's the matter? Just tell me! I'll listen to it anyway!" she said excitedly.

It turned out that I still couldn't refuse her request. I wonder, what makes me like this huh ?.

"Are you sure? Promise me you won't get angry or blame anyone" I said.

"Yes, I promise. Now, tell me!" she said excitedly.

During the trip to school, I told her everything. Niendya's expression which had been filled with curiosity gradually turned to be filled with anger and sadness.


Suddenly, Niendya stopped. She looked at me with serious eyes.

"Ryan. Let me ask you one thing" she said.


"Do you forgive her? Or do you want to hold a grudge against her?" she asked.

It is true that what Dinda has done is unforgivable, but to want to hold onto a grudge maybe that's a bit excessive.

"If it was my old self, maybe I would forgive her. But now ... I may still not forgive her. But don't worry, I will never hold a grudge against her" I said while calming Niendya's tension.

"Hm, is that so? Then, that's great! Let's hurry, before the exam starts," she said.

"Lead the way, then" I replied.




We arrived at school without any problems. Indragiri High School, an elite school where anyone, regardless of their background, can study here after passing the entrance exam. Like the others, Niendya and I had to pass the exams provided.

Niendya and I are in different exam rooms.

"Hm, it looks like I'm in room 1-A, what room are you in?" I asked.

"Looks like we are different. I'm in room 1-B. Then, see you later!" she said as she left me without a single glance.

The exams started at seven in the morning. The exams we passed contained multiple choice questions covering all subjects, as well as psychology. With confidence, we all started the test.





At exactly nine in the morning, the exam was over. We only have to wait one day to see our results.

After finishing the exam, we were allowed to see the clubs in the school. There are badminton clubs, futsal, basketball, baseball, student health, school libraries, various kinds of martial arts, and many more.

Niendya and I decided to take a look at the Library Club. If asked why, maybe because this place is the quietest place in this school. When I entered the club room, which is the library of course, there was one beautiful student who was reading a book. With a straight black hair and a glasses, she's undeniably pretty.

After realizing our existence, she immediately approached the two of us.

"Ara? You are a prospective new student? What do you need from this place?" she asked.

"Hm ... we are interested in this club when we enter school," I said.


The woman smiled.

"Are you sure you will be accepted into this club?" she said.

"I'll give it a try. By the way, the book you read earlier, is that 'EnD' the twelfth volume of 1992 by Van Ni?" I said.

She fell silent.

"What do you mean?"

"You know, that book is my favorite book. Even though it's no longer on the market, I've been collecting every volume of the book for a long time. So, I was surprised because I didn't think anyone else would be interested in that book" I said.

The atmosphere around us was silent. Niendya, who didn't know about it, was silent next to me.

"Fufufu .... you can guess, huh? But, how do you know if it was made in 1992?" she said.

"If you ask, I guess from the way you turn every page of the book. Because only that book is the way to turn the pages is different from other volumes" I asked.

"Fufufu ... you really are a book lover, huh? Maybe you will be given the seat of Vice-President of the Club when you enter," she said.

"Thank you then. Oh yes, I don't know your name yet, my name is Destryan, you can call me Ryan. And this is my friend, Aniendya Juliani Suratman," I said while introducing myself.

"Ah, just call me Niendya!" she yelled.

"Fufu..Ryan, and Niendya, huh? Forgive me for the late introduction, I'm Shaqilla Rahmawati, class 2-F. Nice to meet you all" she said.

"Ah, do we have to call you 'Senior'? If so, sorry for our rudeness" asked Niendya.

I almost forgot that she was a senior.

"No need. You can call me Qilla. I don't really like it when it is seniorized like that" she said.

Suddenly, Niendya checked his watch.

"Ah, time's up, we have to go home!" said Niendya.

"Is that so? Too bad. See you later" she said.

"Then, please take care of us, Qilla!" we said as we left the library.

"Fufu, good luck!" she said.



After being briefed for tomorrow, we were allowed to go home. Niendya and I agreed to go home together. I was surprised when I found out that her house was very close to mine. We arrived at the bus stop.

"So Ryan, what do you think?" she said.

"What do you mean by that?" I said.

"Qilla is very beautiful, right? Are you perhaps interested in her?" she asked.

"Well, it's true that she's beautiful. But, if it's interested or not, I don't know. Since that tragedy, I can't trust feelings of love anymore. Maybe it's still a long time so I can trust love again," I said.

"Hee ... good luck, then" said Niendya.

With that, this wonderful day ends.

To Be Continued ...