WebNovelMy Girl!85.71%

Chapter 6


As promised, I will accompany Tiara. Although I don't know what she wants to do this weekend.

After waiting for about fifteen minutes, Tiara finally arrived at the place she promised.

"Sorry, Ryan. I have to help my mom for a while," she said breathlessly.

"It's okay. Drink this first" I said while handing a can of drink to Tiara.

"Okay, thank you"

Tiara immediately drank it until it runs out.

"Ah ~~ fresh. But, how come you can have two drinks?" she asked.

"Because I'm sure if you are late, you will definitely be exhausted when you get here" I said.

Then, I wiped the sweat on Tiara's forehead with my handkerchief.

* (Blush)

Suddenly, Tiara's face became very red.

"T-thank you" said Tiara, looking down.

"Huh? You're welcome ....?" I said, confused.

* People around: (Cute ..)

Then, Tiara took me into a coffee shop.

"This coffee shop is pretty quite. In fact, in my opinion, this coffee shop is very good," I said.

No matter how you look at it, this shop should be a great gathering place. Somehow only a few come here.

"This is a new coffee shop. It's still quiet for now. But, I'm sure there will be many who come here. I invited you here to accompany me to try it. How? It's good, isn't it?" she asked.

"Indeed, the atmosphere provided by this shop is very calming. The coffee served is also very good. In the near future this shop will definitely be crowded" I said.

"You like it, don't you?" she asked with a smile.

"You could say I like it" I said while drinking the coffee again.

"I see ... hehehe ~~~"

"Ah, I just remembered. Can you accompany me somewhere?" I asked.

"Eh? To where?" she asked.

"The bookstore near the station. I just remembered that my favorite author released his new book today" I replied.

"Oh yeah? I want to read it too if it's a book by your favorite author," she said.

"Okay, I'll buy it too for you"

"Eh ?! No need, Ryan! I can buy it myself"


"Take it easy, Tiara. I bought you as a thanks for bringing me to this delicious coffee shop" I said, patting Tiara's head.


Tiara's face immediately turned bright red.

"Hm? What's wrong with you, Tiara? Your face is so red. Do you have a fever?" I asked, touching her forehead.

"N-n-n-it's okay, really! We better hurry up!"

Tiara immediately came out of the shop quickly.

"This is the bill, Sir" said one employee of the shop.

"Ah yes, this is the pay"

I put the money on the table.

"Sorry, Sir. The money is too much" she said.

I was so rushed, the money I gave was too much.

"Save it. That's a tip from me because the coffee is very good. Thank you for the coffee!"

I immediately rushed out of the shop.

"Wait, Sir!" she shouted.

My steps stopped.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Can I know your name?" she asked.

I guess telling my name won't hurt me.

"Of course. My name is Destryan Putra Anggara , just call me Ryan!" I said immediately came out of the shop.

"Ah! .... he left .... Ryan, huh? Hehe ~~"




"Hey, Tiara! Why did you suddenly leave like that?" I said.

Finally I was able to catch Tiara. When I took her hand, she turned towards me with a flushed face.

"What's wrong with you? Fever? If you're sick, we better go home. I don't want anything to happen to you" I said.


"S-sorry, Ryan. I think I want to rest in that park for a bit," she said.

I then helped Tiara sit on the bench that I felt most comfortable.

"How are you?"

"It's okay, really," she said.

"We better just stop for today. I don't want to make your situation worse."

I can't force Tiara to accompany me if things are like this.

"No! No need! I'll be fine after resting a little," she said.

"All right. Rest here first. I'll go buy a drink for you" I said as I went to the drink machine near our position.

In no more than five minutes, I returned to Tiara with two drinks, one for me and the other for Tiara.

"Drink this" I said giving a drink to Tiara.

"Thanks, Ryan"

After resting for about half an hour, we decided to go to the bookstore I mentioned earlier.

As we approached the bookstore, there was a fight across the street. From a distance it looks like a bodyguard protecting her master.

"Hey! Isn't that Princess Andinie ?!" Tiara said.

When I looked closer, it turned out that the person being protected was Andinie. She seemed to be being attacked by someone.

Without hesitation I immediately rushed over to her.

"Ah! Ryan, where are you going ?!" shouted Tiara.

"Stay there! I will help Andinie and her bodyguard!"

When the person who was attacking them took out a gun, I jumped up and kicked the person away.

"Right on time! Hey, are you all right?" I asked.

"You?" said Andinie who was surprised to see me.

"Watch out, kid! He's a hired assasin!" said her bodyguard.

Not long after that, the person stood back up pointing his gun at me.

"Tch, he can still wake up," I said.

I immediately brushed his hand away, grabbed his collar, and slammed him onto the ground with all my might until the gun took off.

"Hurry up and get the gun!" I said to Andinie's bodyguard.

"T-all right" said the guard swiftly.

I immediately pinned down the killer so he could not fight again. Not long after, Tiara came over to us.

"Ryan! The police are on the way here. Hold him a little longer," she said.

As Tiara said, the police came straight to my place about ten minutes later. The assasin was immediately taken to the police station.

Andinie's bodyguard who was hit by the attack was also treated by an incoming ambulance. Andinie who was the target of the murder was giving testimony to the police just as I had done. Meanwhile Tiara was explaining the incident to Niendya who called.

"Destryan. Can I talk to you?" said Andinie who approached me.

"Just call me Ryan. What do you want to talk about?" I asked.

"I just want to say thank you for helping me earlier. I really can't fight at all" she said.

"No problem. Helping others is our duty as fellow humans. It's good that you and your bodyguard are fine"

Then, Anindie took out a small silver knife with the symbol of a blue rose.

"As a thank you for helping me, I invite you to a party at my house tomorrow night" she said.

"Party? What party?" I asked.

"Welcoming party for my arrival in the city of Nalechs.

You can come with your friends. You're the guest of honor at my party. Do you mind? "

"Take it easy, I don't mind. Okay, I'll come. I'll tell Niendya and Qilla later. Thank you for inviting me" I said as I took the knife Andinie gave me.

"It's okay. It's still not even a thank you should be. I'll order my personal bodyguards to pick you all up later."

"Oh, you don't have to pick me up. I can come to your house myself" I said.

"Why? You're my honor guest, remember?" Andinie asked, confused.

"I have to go somewhere first before going to your house. So, you better pick up someone else. But, thanks for the offer"

"Very well then. See you tomorrow night!" said Anindie as she got back to her car.


"Oh? Princess Anindie has come home? I just wanted to say hello" said Tiara who finished calling Niendya.

"Relax. You can do it right away" I said.

"What do you mean?"

"We're invited to a welcoming party at her house"

"We?" asked Tiara who tilted her head.

"Who else is it? You, me, Niendya, and Qilla" I said.




"EEEEEEEHHHH ?? !!" shouted Tiara.

Instantly, Tiara was immediately surprised to hear that.

"Hey, you bother other people if you shout like that" I said while covering my ears.

"I mean, this is the Lapiz Grand Dukedom, you know ?! People are willing to do even the smallest of jobs to be able to set foot there! And we were invited to one of its parties ?! Who in this world wouldn't be surprised to hear that ?!" he shouted.

"Me?" I said.

"You are ... how can you not be surprised when you accept the invitation? Anyway, we have to come there! This might be a once in a lifetime opportunity" said Tiara while clenching her fists.

"Ah, about that. Can you tell Niendya and Qilla? I still have to go to the bookstore, remember?" I said.

"That's right. Okay, I'll call them. I'm sure they'll react the same way I did when they heard this. I'll wait here!"

"Sure!" I said as I went to the bookstore across the street.




"Oh, are you done, Ryan?" asked Tiara.

"Here, I'm done" I said while showing the book I bought.

"Hm? A Man's Memory II by LsYA? So you read that book too, Ryan?"

"Yeah, when I was sti-sorry. I read the first series. And I really like what the main character said when he asked about life's purpose"

"Oh, which one? I haven't read the first series in a while."

"For what purpose do we live? To get happiness? Gaining wealth? Or be useful to others? The reality is not like that. The purpose of living in this world is to survive the trials given in the form of happiness as well as grief. . But, such a reality can also be wrong. Despite successfully going through the ordeal, we still have a chance to reach a bad end. So, what exactly is our purpose in living in this world? No one knows for sure the correct answer . Because the correct answer, it only exists after someone feels what a regret is " I said.

"I like that one too! It's really amazing" said Tiara.

"Right. I was immediately attracted by the book"

"Oh yeah! You want to go with us, Ryan? Me, Qilla, and Niendya decided to go together to the welcoming party. You can come with us if you want" she said.

"I just remember not telling you about our transportation. You, Niendya, and Qilla will be picked up by Andinie's bodyguard. I will follow after my business is finished" I said.

"P-p-p-picked up?!?! We will be picked up by the Lapiz Grand Dukedom's guards ?!" said Tiara who was surprised for the second time.

"Yep. Anindie said she would send her personal bodyguards to pick you all up"

"P-P-Princess Andinie's personal bodyguard?!? !! Are you crazy, Ryan ?!"

"No, I'm still sane"

"Not that !! This is Princess Andinie's personal bodyguard, you know! Not her family bodyguard, but her personal bodyguard !!"

"What's the difference? Aren't they both bodyguards?" I asked.

"Very different! One Princess Andinie's personal bodyguard already has a very high position in society. Then you said they would pick us up ?!"

"Take it easy. I'm sure you will be fine. Just be yourself, okay? " I said, patting Tiara's head.

"Al-alright, I understand"

"Let's just go home now. It's getting late in the afternoon. I don't want you to come home at night. So?" I asked.

"Yes, I agree. I also have to prepare myself for tomorrow's party. Let's go home" said Tiara.


We went to the bus stop. We took a bus with different destinations. So, Tiara took the bus ahead of me. Because the bus I'm going to take is still a bit long.




Arriving at my new home, I immediately took a shower. After taking a shower, I immediately prepared my dinner. This is the reason I'm grateful I asked my mom to teach me how to cook. Even though it's not much, my cooking can be said to be very good.

"Ah! I have to tell Mom and Dad about the party"

I then called them.

"Hello, Ryan? What's going on to call me this late?" my mom said.

"I just wanted to tell Mom about something"

"What's the matter? To have to call Mom like this. Oh yeah, your dad is on his way home right now. That's why your dad can't talk to you yet" said my mom.

"It's okay, Mom. So, today I got an invitation to a party from a friend of my school" I said.

"Oh yeah? Who is this lucky person who invited you to the party?" my mother asked.

"Hm ... if I'm not mistaken, Andinie Sofya Lapiz? I don't know what her full name is" I said.

*(Fall down)

"Hello? Mom? What was that noise just now? Are you all right?" I asked, confused by the voice.

"A-ah I'm fine. But, I'm surprised. This lucky person turned out to be Princess Andinie. How did you get invited by her?" my mom asked.

"This afternoon, I saw her and her bodyguard being attacked by someone. I immediately rushed to help them"

"Geez! Are you all right? How are they?"

"I'm fine, Mom. They are also fine. Even though the bodyguard was injured a little. Don't worry, Mom" ​​I said.

"Thank God. So, what do you want to ask about the party?" my mom asked.

"About that, I don't know what to prepare to come to the party. So, I want to ask advice from Mom" I said.

Honestly, I've never been to a party like this before. Moreover, parties from famous people like Andinie.

"Hm .... I can help you with your clothes. But, for the others, you better ask your dad" said Mom.

"That's okay. All right. Tomorrow I'll come home and ask directly to Mom and Dad. I might arrive in the morning. Thank you, Mom"

"You're welcome, Son. Good evening, yes"

"Good night, Mom"

Seeing that it was still eight in the evening, I decided to check things related to the party held by the nobles. Starting from ethics, how to speak, and others.




"Sigh. I better sleep now. I hope tomorrow's party will be very nice"

With that, the day full of surprises ended.

To Be Continued ....