Chapter 6: A Smart Beta and A Determined Luna


I couldn't move.

I should fight it, but the feel of his soft, moist lips sent fluttering butterflies all over inside me. I closed my eyes and pulled him closer, inhaling his deep masculine scent. The same lips started nibbling and sucking my upper lip, and then my lower lip, coaxing my mouth to open.

I did and his tongue quickly slipped in. The wild slippery caresses lured a soft cry from my throat and my body went limp.

A large hand then held the back of my head to keep me in place as another cupped my chin, pushing it up for my lips to press harder onto his. His mouth soon covered mine completely and he deepened the kiss further. My mind was blank and I was spinning deeper into the bright light...

Then as abruptly as it had happened, his lips tore away and I was fiercely pushed back.

A bump at my waist and I opened my eyes to a hazy view of the kitchen. I was panting heavily. Then, I heard his deep breathing and was pleased that he was as affected as me.