Chapter 17: Breaking Apart


"We need to talk, Cole."

Slick hair glossed to the back, moist bronze skin, damp shirt - I could tell that Cole had gone to the waterfall.

My eyes were drinking in the gorgeous sight of him until he said in a curt tone, "Stop staring."

I glanced away from his muscled chest and then focused on his eyes instead, but the intense stare was as distracting.

"So what is it?" He asked impatiently.

The old tone was back. My shoulders heaved with a dreaded thought: maybe what happened between us so far was just a lie.

Visions of smiling and caring Cole flooded into my mind. I inhaled sharply. I didn't want us to be strangers again.

"I thought we should have dinner together. We haven't eaten together since the feast," I said in a cheery tone.

He folded his arms, narrowed his gaze and said, "I have been busy."

"I understand," I quickly nodded and said, "but you promised to have at least one meal a day together."