Chapter 34: The Luna Fights Back


"I'm surprised that you brought her along. I thought Owin had told you," Jave leaned over and whispered when Dove was out of earshot.

Cole kept a straight face and watched Dove as she went about the room, admiring the rich tapestry. He knew that she was really trying to listen and hoped she didn't hear this d*mn conversation.

Jave continued in a quick whisper. "I hope you haven't mated with her. That cursed thing."

Cole felt his fist tighten. He had to hold his anger in. As much as he wanted to shove a fist in that large round face, he knew that Jave was merely a blind follower of the rumor.

But he didn't like what he heard.

Worst, he wanted to take Dove to bed then and there, but something in his mind held him back.

Cole glared at the weak moonlight that had found its way into the room and managed a calm voice. "That thing's still my Luna."