Chapter 33: Wet and Wild

Shocked at Gina’s betrayal, I splashed into the water and felt myself sink a little. Once I got my bearings, I quickly assessed that since I was midway in depth, maybe it would be easier to sink a little further to the bottom and push off to propel myself to the top. After all, I could hoId my breath pretty well. I sunk down, raising my arms above my head.

When my feet reached the pool’s floor, I bent my knees and pushed up. However, I didn’t realize that my shirt, flowing behind me in the water, got stuck on the pool’s drain, slightly raised on the pool floor. I started to struggle, pulling at the shirt, bubbles quickly releasing from my mouth. I yanked again, still unable to untangle myself. It felt like minutes under the water when it had only been seconds, but my panic caused me to expel air at a rapid pace.