Chapter 2: Mending Wounds and Mincing Words

The man had thick dark hair that tumbled past his shoulders. Saffron couldn’t see the color of his eyes since they were still shut while he slept. Saffron looked him over, pleased to see that he was resting peacefully. The body did its best work during slumber.

To keep him from catching a cold, she started a small fire on the other side of the cavern. It gave the dank space a cozy golden glow. The cave seemed much larger now that the strange man had appeared where the dragon once was. The chilly evening air still reached into the temporary lair, it’s long fingers reaching for the man’s exposed body.

Saffron only had her shawl on her since she had not anticipated on spending the evening out of doors. She crept towards the edge of the cave and looked out. The sun had fallen below the tree line and she could smell the hint of snow in the air. Winter was coming and it was coming fast this year. A gust of wind rushed towards her and through her thin woolen dress. She shivered and glanced at the man behind her.

She watched as the wind rushed over his body. He began to shake slightly. She unwrapped the grey, wool shawl from her shoulders and spread it over his body. He soon stopped shivering and she stood back quickly. There were stories of men that had the spirits of dragons, but she had always thought they were just fairytales meant to scare children.

Nonetheless, she was taking no risks. Dragon or not, a woman must always have a blade ready. She settled back into the crevice she had found moments before. Drawing her knees to her chest, she watched him sleep, her knife clutched in her hand.


A stirring roused Saffron. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and realized that she must have dozed off. She woke fully with a start. The man groaned; his hand pushed onto his injured side. He pushed himself up with his other arm and looked around the cave, confused until his eyes landed on hers. His eyes widened slightly as he took in the beautiful woman sitting across from him. Her golden hair spilled over her shoulder in soft ringlets that ended just at her waist. Her eyes were deep, blue pools. They were currently narrowed at him in suspicion.

“Oh, hello,” he said with a small smile. She watched him warily. Green. His eyes were the same shade as the dragon’s.

“Hello,” she replied quietly, her voice sounded like the tinkling of bells. She didn’t move as he finished pushing himself into a sitting position. The shawl fell from his shoulders and pooled into his lap. He looked down at his naked body and looked back up at her with a questioning gaze.

“I don’t mean to pry, but could you perhaps tell me why I am lying naked in a cave?” he asked, good-humoredly. Saffron regarded him, her eyes searching his face. After a moment, she conceded to answer him.

“Well, I was on my way home and I heard what sounded like a wounded creature. I tracked the blood and found…you. Although…your appearance was a bit different,” she replied.

“Ah, that. Well, I am guessing that you are to thank for this?” he said and gestured towards the white bandage on his side. She nodded once.

“I am a Mender. It appeared as if you had been shot,” she stated simply and debated on if she should leave now that he was awake. She couldn’t imagine what would happen should someone find her here with an entirely naked stranger. Perhaps it would get her out of her marriage… or more likely hanged.

“You have my many thanks. I don’t quite remember getting shot but I suppose it is better that I hadn’t,” he replied with a smile. She found him very strange. Here he was, a fresh wound on his side and back and naked as a newborn babe, and yet he was smiling. Strange, indeed.

“I suppose so. I would recommend taking off the bandage in three days. Clean it with water and let it dry in the fresh air. I can give you some salve to put on it. You also have a smaller wound on the back of your…shoulder. That isn’t nearly as bad. You’ll be stiff for a few days, but it should be fine,” she said in a hurry. He still had a smile on his lips.

He reached behind and pushed at the wound on his shoulder and winced. “I would say it is definitely tender. I appreciate all of your help. You said you are a Mender? Is that the same as a medicine woman?” he asked, his nudity forgotten, by him.

“Similar, yes,” she replied and stood, stashing her dagger back into her belt. It was still at an easy reach if needed. She pulled a piece of oilskin from her bag and smeared the salve she had used earlier onto it. After folding it a few times she secured it with a bit of twine.

She took a few steps closer to him. His green eyes tracked her every step until she stopped in front of him. His eyes traveled up her body until they rested on her face. She held out the medicine.

“Thank you,” he said, taking in her sharp features. Her eyes were almond-shaped, and she had a pointed nose that was somehow regal on her thin face. Her jaw was strong, and her lips were full. She had a fleeting aura about her as if she were a fae folk that had flitted in here on the stem of a rose. She was unlike any other woman he had ever seen. She was captivating.

She nodded and made to move past him. He reached out and brushed her fingers. She froze and glanced over towards him, yanking her hand away.

“Your shawl?” he said and made to pull it away. She shook her head.

“You keep it. You are in more need of it than I,” she said, with a small smile on her lips.

“You don’t seem bothered by this,” he retorted a question hidden in his words as he gestured towards his naked body.

“I am a Mender. I have seen many a naked man in need of my care. I am more bothered by the fact that I treated one creature and now another sits before me,” she raised her left eyebrow at him and made to leave again, although she had to admit his was the nicest body she had ever glimpsed.

“Will you stay for a moment and I can tell you my tale?” he asked. She should leave but her inquisitive mind wanted to know more.

“Fine, but only for a moment. It is already dark. I can’t dally too long,” she sat near the fire, keeping an adequate distance between them.

“Well, shall we start with our names? I’m Elric, and you are?”

“Saffron,” she replied.

“Well, Saffron, it began when I was a child,” Elric began.