Chapter 36: An Icy Welcome

Dread filled Saffron’s stomach as they climbed the marble steps to the cold palace. “Something feels off,” she murmured to Elric. He looked at her.

“What do you mean?” he questioned and stopped. She shrugged.

“It is hard to put into words. There is just a…feeling I have,” she replied, her brows furrowed.

“I’m sure it is just from the last time that we were here,” he said consolingly.

“I’m sure you’re right,” she said, sounding unconvinced.

“Come now! We will get through a few days here, be married, and leave. We will forge a new life at Avolire and leave this mess to the vipers known as my sisters-in-law,” he said and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, towing her forward.

The instant the door swung open, Saffron knew that there was something wrong. There was an emptiness to the castle that hadn’t been there before. She could tell that Elric sensed it too; his primal instincts had kicked in. She saw him sniff the air slightly.