The sharp edges of mountains came into view through the thick clouds, their black tips shearing the sky. “Are those the Bluffs?” Saffron asked aloud, her eyes tracing the jagged range.
“They are. Æðelfrið said we would know we have arrived when we see the mountain that looks like a rook,” Elric replied, his thoughts clear even as they soared through the darkening sky. Saffron peered down and shouted, her hand outstretched.
“There!” Breaking through the overcast sky, a mountain rose above them, its relief the shape of a large rook’s beak.
“I see it,” Elric thought and shifted his wings slightly, sending them up towards the large mountain peak. They did a few arcs around the mountaintop before coasting onto a large overhang. The rock was worn smooth; Saffron surmised that it was from dragons landing similarly to how they were. She wondered how many dragons lived here at the hold. The thought of being surrounded by these magnificent creatures sent an icy thrill through her.