A week after the whole fiasco, Clell wanted to have a brief escape from everything that had been happening in his life. So, he decided to to take out Luna in a movie date. He was walking out from the conference room of their company, when he messaged Luna.
“Hey, missy. Want to go see a movie later?”
“Uhh, yes, sorry I can’t.” Luna said, turning down his offer about the movie date. However, he also heard Alicia shouting at the background, “NO, SHE’S LYING! SHE’S AVAILABLE LATER.”
“Thank you, Alicia.” Clell said while laughing.
“Shut up, Alicia.” She hissed, but Alicia just kept on laughing and teasing her.
“You can’t say no now. Alicia said you’re available. I’ll pick you up tomorrow.”
“Uggghhhh. Fine.”
“See you later. I need to take a rest now.” Clell said, but Luna felt the sadness in his voice. She felt that something was off.
“Hey, are you okay?”