The next morning, I woke to Zander’s sleeping face next to me. My heart almost burst with how much I loved him. I smiled to myself remembering the day before. I stroked his hair and moved a strand away from his eyes.
It was almost hard to stop stroking his hair. As Zander slept, I heard him say something.
I thought it was sweet how he said my name while sleeping. I knew what he was dreaming about and felt happy he couldn’t get me off his mind. Zander wouldn’t get out of my mind either.
A few more minutes later, I got of bed and went into the shower with my clothes from the day before. I didn’t care if I repeated my outfit.
While I was waiting for the water to get hot, Zander came in and slowly took in the sight of me. He was still naked from our night together.
Zander approached me and whispered in my ear, “Want me to join you?”
I nodded my head and stepped into the shower. The water was hot and so was Zander’s gaze.