On the next morning, Lucinda told Violet that she didn’t need to fulfill her duties as a servant.
She said something about Jack going out with some members and arriving late at night.
She found it really odd that he didn’t say anything on the previous day, but didn’t complain.
She would have a free day for the first time, although as a prisoner, she didn’t have much to do anyway.
But she had started painting some canvas and was getting really excited with the results.
Also, it would help take her mind out of the fact that she didn’t know how to behave in front of Jack while she was working for him.
On the previous day, she didn’t have much chance to care about that, because with all the party preparations, the whole house was a completely chaos.
Violet asked Lucinda to stay with her for a while during the morning, just talking. They laughed a lot, and Violet was very grateful for the friendship she was building with her.