Chapter 12: He Lets You Call Him Izzy?

Isaac moved to the door.

“Oh, and Izzy? Tell mother I’ll be over budget. With three dresses to commission my previous limit will be too stifling.”

“Why don’t you tell her?” asked Isaac indignantly. “It’s your problem, you’re the one who wants to use someone else to play dress-up with.”

“No thank you. I’d rather you do it.” Arabella put her hands on Isaac’s shoulders and started pushing him towards the door.

“Just make her look presentable.”

“Yes, fine. Bye now, I’ll give her back later, don’t wait up.” She slammed the door behind him and slumped her back against it. “God he’s exhausting.”

Lavinia stood still for a second, taken aback. Arabella, despite her looks, was nothing like her brother. This short girl exuded warmth. While her hair had the same cool sheen, her skin was slightly tanned and seemed to burst with life. Arabella pushed herself off the door and went back to snatching items off the floor and stuffing them haphazardly away.