Chapter 24: Aftermath

Lavinia woke up in a dimly lit and unfamiliar room. Her back was pressed against a cold table, the sheet between her and its surface doing nothing to prevent her from shivering. She tried to sit up but a stabbing pain in her neck and side made her groan in pain and lay back flat. Turning her head to the side, she took in the room.

There were cluttered shelves and tables. Instruments were laid out and she could see a roll of cotton bandages. On her other side, she could faintly make out two wooden chairs, one of them occupied. Squinting she could see a pale face and even lighter hair. For a second she froze, her eyes widening in horror. She felt her heart rate speed up and was sure he would be able to hear the pounding of her heart.

The figure sat forward with a start, long blonde hair falling forward. Lavinia realized it was Arabella and let out the breath that she had been holding.