Isaac leapt to his feet, making Rosie jump back. He did not look at her.
“I need to go,” he said.
Lavinia stayed on the ground with Rosie. “We can’t just leave Rosie like this. This scratch is still bleeding.”
“There is no we. You’ll be in danger if we go. Stay here with Rosie.”
“You are not going on your own,” Lavinia said incredulously. “You are nowhere near your usual strength. I’m coming with you.”
Isaac looked like he wanted to argue, but stopped as he saw the stern expression on Lavinia’s face. “Fine. We’ll take her with us then,” he pulled a cover off one of the pillows on the bed and handed it to Lavinia. “Keep pressure on her. I’ll go get a carriage ready.”
“Carriage? We need to find Arabella.”
“There is no way he hasn’t found her already. He’s most likely already taken her to Castle Brogan.”
Lavinia carefully folded the pillowcase and held it to Rosie’s side. “Can you stand?”