In the two long months after the supernatural attack on the Silverclaw Masquerade, Silvana dedicated herself to her father’s harsh training.
In the mornings, she would bury her nose in ancient spellbooks, learning the ways of incredible witchcraft. In the afternoons, Solaris lectured on the history of seals and spirits in the city, and in the evenings Silvana practiced rigorous spells until midnight, when she was afforded five hours of rest to do it all over again the next day.
She was mentally and physically exhausted, though not enough to stop her from calling Bruce each and every night to be lulled to sleep by his brave tales of fighting the spirits coming from the red lightning.
Some nights, she would whisper him to sleep under the cover of her blankets --warm and hidden from the world-- about how she’d like to guide her fingers to the button of his jeans, zip his pants down, and shove his big dick in her mouth and suck.