Chapter 27: Confrontation

Bruce’s gruesome howling batted leaves and small branches off trees, and his mouth opened wide before Solaris, wide enough to allow each glimmering silver tooth the size of Solaris’s arm to shine in the moonlight.

Solaris had talked a lot of big game at the council meeting and in front of the species leaders, but it was mostly for show.

With Bruce towering over him, snarling gobs of spit onto his red velvet shirt, Solaris realized, as his mind searched for a spell he had the strength to cast, that he was not as strong as he wanted to be, and that he had messed around with the wrong forces.

Now, he knew he was going to die.

Bruce thumped towards Solaris, shaking the ground with each massive stride.

Solaris tried to skitter away, pushing against the dirt and grass as he scraped his way back to his car.

But there was no way he’d make it back in time.

Bruce reeled his huge, clawed hand behind his head, and prepared to slash down at Solaris.