Chapter 37: Lights Off

Slowly, the lights flicker, the showerhead spurts back to life, and Bruce and Silvana see a rustling in the pile of their clothes on the floor.

Bruce and Silvana instinctively reach out to the other, making sure that they are both okay in the dark. Silvana glances at Bruce’s eyes, and they have turned a rich silver, and he is curling his entire body around her, as if to shield her from anything that might be lurking.

But what they find through the flittering lights of the bathroom is something far less sinister than what they had been prepared for.

Bruce’s pants rise off the tile of the bathroom floor, then float up towards the ceiling.

“Are you seeing this?” Silvana asked with a furled brow.

“Yeah,” Bruce chuckles, “And I think I know why it’s happening.”

“Well feel free to fill me in,” Silvana remarked.

Bruce ran out of the shower, hurriedly dried his feet on the mat, then pulled the floating pants out of the air and slipped himself into them.