“We have fended off the spirits for the time being,” Solaris shouted at the large crowd. There were many injured, and some nursed their wounds and clutched their sides as their ears perked.
Solaris stood proudly and declared, “But if we are to permanently defeat Cecilia Duponte and her hauntings, we must unite!”
Silvana noticed the lines by her father’s eyes were gone, as was the cane that he had required for walking up until recently.
Bruce stood beside Solaris, tall and mighty, and although he was still in primal werewolf form, he spoke clearly and asked Solaris, “Do you have a plan for defeating Duponte?”
“What’s the reason Solaris can’t seal the spirits away like he did years ago?” a werewolf amongst the crowd interjected.
She winced as a gash along her leg made her lose her balance. “Why must we continue to battle?”
“I do have a plan,” Solaris said, answering Bruce’s question.