A cooling, tropical breeze blew the leaves of the palm trees overhead, and Silvana stuck her toes in the warm sand as the sun beat down on her. Waves slapped the shoreline several feet ahead of her, and she reclined into her comfy beach chair.
“I can’t tell you all how happy I am,” she said, “to be away from the snow and the cold.”
She sipped from a giant margarita that had been put inside a hollowed-out coconut with a large pink straw.
“I’ll stick to the shade,” the pale Angus said, hiding underneath the large, canopy-style leaves from the trees. He was working shirtless at a grill, spreading out lemon slices on top of freshly caught fish.
“Oh my god,” Amelia said, a cocktail shaker in her hands. “Can you imagine my big Angus with a tan?”
Angus peppered some potato salad, laughed, and said, “You all enjoy the sun. I’m hot enough as is at the grill.
Amelia pulled down her oversized purple sunglasses, observed Angus’s tight rows of abs and murmured, “Hot is right.”