Hard Retaliation

Although Jade doesn't release his aura when talking, all the Temple of Death side feels an invisible pressure from Jade. They feel like Jade will indeed hunt them down if they don't give a better answer. This is the true power of a seventh-grade combatant.

After reaching this legendary realm, the combatant's word and sentence are akin to prediction with great possibility to happen. If the person said the whole country would be destroyed, it means the country will be destroyed, be it because of them or another party.

There are even some people who believe the seventh-grade combatant is like a real-life God. Still, this is not entirely wrong since, with their unimaginable power, they are close to god walking on Firuman.

In Firuman, there are many seventh-grade combatants. Some of them are completely out of their mind and mad. However, In serious situations, they are undeniably a very powerful force that could realize everything they resolve to do.