Taming Beast

"Hoh.. Hoh… Not everyone is as talented as you or Vlad. Hoh.. Hoh.." replied the old man.

"Hahaha… We are just an old relic now. I believe there are many more talented people than us out there." said Darren while remembering a certain young couple.

"Hoh.. Hoh… It seems you have met someone interesting. Hoh.. Hoh.. Anyway, I thank you for teaching and sparing my dumb apprentice. I know you vampires rarely spare your opponent, even in the casual spar. Hoh.. Hoh…" replied old man Makar.

"It's all according to my master's wish. If Master wants to kill your kind, she will already obliterate him when he tries to look at her. Still, these days youngsters have no manners. Don't their parents teach them not to peep at a woman?" complained Darren.

"Hoh… Hoh… No wonder you give him a harsh beating. Hoh.. Hoh.. If I were you, I would destroy his eyes permanently. Hoh.. Hoh.." said Makar while rubbing his wrinkled chin and smiling.