
After a while, they finally complete the rabbit count. There are some rabbits without red stripes. The ordinary rabbit corpse looks like being ripped out by a ruthless beast. 

Seeing this, Angus and the others could guess who was the one that stole the red-striped rabbit and changed it with an ordinary rabbit. Fortunately, they have some leftovers in their storage.

"100 red-striped rabbit tests complete. Please proceed to the head examiner for the next test." said the other examiner.

Makar opens one of his eyelids and sees the whole group before thinking about what kind of test he should give. He couldn't give a ridiculous test but also not too easy either. Then, he notices a unique shell necklace on Anna's neck. 

(a.n: Angus created it as a necklace for Anna since she likes it too much.)

"Hoh.. Hoh.. Crabfrog Hoh.. Hoh.." commented Makar casually.

"Huh?!" reacted everyone.