
"Hmph… If you think you could take me down easily, you are still a greenhorn." said Yawan as he prepared for a fierce fight.

"Well, you may be right. But, with your current condition, are you still able to fight properly?" mocked the contempt mask while throwing a knife at nearby Altras civilians. *Ting* The knife gets blocked by Yawan easily.

"You! They are nothing but civilians!!" yelled Yawan in anger.

"And it's their choice to support you, right? It is a basic tactic to eliminate the supporter first during the fight." said the sad mask in a casual tone.

"Crazy bastard! This is madness!! You will bring nothing but bloodshed and destruction." yelled Yawan.

"Then, so be it. Besides, our fate was already sealed long ago. We just decided to bring more to accompany us. The more, the merrier, right?" said the happy mask.

"Enough talk. Let's end this before it becomes too much trouble." said the fear mask.