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During the battle between Dumrod and the monster overlords, all the dwarves and the remaining survivors use these opportunities to escape the area. One of these groups is Baltior's holy knights from the Temple of God.

Previously, all the religious groups suddenly get attacked by a strong group led by demons. These not only kill almost all the nearby religious groups but heavily injure them. Fortunately, the attacker is stopped and retreats when the colossal monster appears.

Still, they also need to fight against the strong minions in the area. In the end, among the religious group, only Baltior's holy knights still somehow survive the calamity. Now, Baltior is surprised at the sudden appearance of many monster overlords.

He knows these monster overlords are not coming alone but summoned by someone. Noticing this, Baltior couldn't help but take a deep breath and had a cold sweat.