Rest In Peace

"Should we change our place?" asked Angus.

"No!!" said Jayna before forcing herself to wake up from the bed.

"Jayna, you still need to rest," said Angus worriedly.

"Angus, I need to do this. I need to free them." said Jayna with resolute eyes.

"*Sigh* Alright. But I will come with you." said Angus before supporting Jayna's body.

After their previous short clash with Patimura, Jayna's body enters a weakened period. Although it is not dangerous and permanent, her body still needs to rest after forcing herself beyond what she can hold.

Leaving their tent, the young couple find Lilith on their side while Brigida takes care of Anna in the distance. As for Nabe and the two female dwarves, they slept on the spot frozen ground filled with many empty bottles.