
"Argghh!!" roared Patimura angrily.

In split seconds, Patimura remembered a nervous young man who greeted him enthusiastically. A young man who didn't retreat in front of Gram Wave despite having trembling legs. A young man practicing his swords, wearing heavy metal armor day and night.

All these memories fade away and turn into enormous fury. Using [Mandraguna Three], Patimura swung his double axe artifact down towards the disfigured monster [Zigurat - Smelt Burst]. *BOOOOM*

An intense explosion erupted in the whole area. The explosion is so fierce that it creates a maelstrom in the area. Yet, it only makes the thick mysterious fog dance in the air harshly.

No matter how far or strong this maelstrom is, the thick fog is always there to cover Patimura. Unfortunately, Patimura didn't have time to notice this thing as the monstrous creature in front of him bore his attack without a single scratch.